Monday, September 16, 2024

What's More Important Than an Estate Plan? The Act of Planning!

What's More Important Than an Estate Plan?  The Act of Planning!

By Melinda Gustafson Gervasi

September 16, 2024

OMG! Austin, in AUGUST! Are you both nuts???? My teenage son scoffed.

It will be hotter than Hades, this is crazy! Yelped my soon-to-be high school daughter. 

And so began our family discussion of driving from Madison, Wisconsin to Austin, Texas. In August!

It was early summer, and my husband and I had decided to chip away at our goal of taking our children to all 50 states. By Fall they would both be in high school.  The window for family vacations was narrowing. So I cooked up a route that would take us to 5 Presidential Libraries as well as towns with friends and family.  

My son, the elder of the two kids, realized this was not negotiable. We were going.  He is my realist and commented to his sister “well, they’ve made up their minds, we might as well look up good places to eat along the way!” 

And so it began; a 2500 mile road trip. We pulled out of Madison on July 31st with a plan:

Backing out of our driveway with our vehicle packed with luggage and snacks, we reminded ourselves we have a plan that is subject to change.  Over the years our travels have included many mishaps forcing us to change plans due to illness, poor travel conditions, and vehicle troubles. 

Planning, it turns out, was also a topic of interest for our 34th President. On Day Two of our travels I found myself pausing in front of a poster in the Eisenhower Library.  “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” 

Image by M. Gustafson Gervasi, 2024

I was on vacation, yet my work mind instantly kicked into gear.  As an estate planning and probate attorney, the paradox created by Eisenhower’s quote caused me to pause and reflect on its meaning, and it has prompted others to write research papers on the apparent contradiction (click here for a link to one).  From my viewpoint an original plan may never happen due to constantly changing circumstances. However, there is great value in the planning itself.  Having a base plan allows for contingencies to come about more easily than if there had never been a plan.  Also,the process of planning helps us get our affairs in order to an extent better than if we had done nothing at all.

For those needing to create an estate plan, consider the following:
  • Who do you want to make financial decisions for you if you are alive but too sick to act on your own?  If that person is unable to act, who is a good back-up?
  • If you are unable to make your own health care decision, who in your circle of family and friends is best suited to speak for you?  Again, if that person is unable to act, who is a good alternative?
  • Upon your death, who is the appropriate person to handle your burial and funeral?  Here in my home state of Wisconsin that automatically defaults to your next of kin.  For many people this default does not reflect their wishes about who will handle the arrangements.  Who would you name?
  • After you have died, who is the best person to handle your final affairs?  In Wisconsin, the person who takes care of the probate is called the Personal Representative.  In other states the term is Executor.  This person will gather your assets, pay your final bills, sort through your possessions, file the taxes, and ultimately distribute your assets.  If the person you name is not able to act, who would you name second?  Would you name a person at all, or might you opt to bank a bank or other institution to perform these tasks?
  • What should happen to the money and assets that you have left over after all the taxes, medical bills, funeral costs and other liabilities have been satisfied.  You may have an obvious answer, “my spouse” or my “children”.  However, life may not unwind as you predict.  What if you outlive your spouse and children?  Would you name a nonprofit or neighbor who has become your chosen family?  

Answering the Who and What questions is good.  Taking it another step or two out by asking what if they are no longer living will force you to create a plan that adapts to changing conditions.  

As for our road trip, no one got sick, we didn’t have car trouble, no venues were closed.  Our original plan unfolded and we visited all 5 Presidential Libraries as well as the friends and family along the way.  We ate well, learned a lot, and made some wonderful memories.  We are now settled into our school year schedules and routines.  Be well and safe travels for those heading out to see the Fall colors or check out foreign ports before the snow flies.

If you found this post helpful, consider sharing it with others.  You can also sign up (upper right hand corner) to receive an email for future posts.  Keep in mind that a blog is not legal advice.  It is meant to spark thought and reflection.  Be well and thank you for reading!

Artistic Cowboy, Bush Presidential Library

Joes BBQ - Kansas City, KS

Sign - Austin, Texas Food Truck Court

Images by M. Gustafson Gervasi, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

Lesson From Fisk, Season 2: Work Out Your Wishes Before Meeting the Attorney

Lesson From Fisk, Season 2: Work Out Your Wishes Before Meeting the Attorney

September 9, 2024

By Melinda Gustafson Gervasi

Season Two of the Australian comedy show Fisk ends with an all too frequent storyline -- the married couple that erupts into an argument as the attorney asks delicate questions about what happens when you die. In this episode Helen is working with a couple where there is a significant age difference, a baby from the union, and adult children from his prior relationship. As Helen asks questions the wife grows increasingly upset, objecting to the very notion that she might die.  It is clear she is at the meeting to prepare for her older husband to die. She goes beyond rattled by the mortality question into an entirely new level of upset, turning to social media and gottcha TV to turn her anger towards her attorney and away from the reality that death does not discriminate in favor of the young. 

My take-away from this episode is the importance for couples to discuss privately what will happen when one dies, when the other dies, etc.  Taking the "what if" question out a few layers helps reveal assumptions one holds but the other does not, or the process uncovers deep feelings about NOT giving certain family members any bequest.  After nearly two decades of writing wills I have witnessed firsthand the tension generated between couples who do not agree on a distribution plan.  Experiencing that is hard, and it is even harder when it unleashes in front of your attorney.

Remember that a blog is meant to spark thought and discussion; it is not legal advice.  Please consult an attorney in your home state for advice specific to your situation.  Thank you for reading.  If you find my posts helpful, considering sharing them on your social media.  Click above (upper right) to Follow this blog; enter your email, and receive a message when a new post goes live.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Lesson From Fisk, Season 2: Get The Name Correct

Lesson From Fisk, Season 2: Get The Name Correct

September 2, 2024

By Melinda Gustafson Gervasi

Episode 5 in Season Two of the Australian comedy Fisk takes the viewer on a tour of the probate landscape when a will mentions a nonprofit that no longer exists.  The show opens with Helen attempting to find the Australian Cat Welfare League.  Through a conference call with an American nonprofit of a similar name, she learns that in the 1970s the American nonprofit forced an Australian nonprofit with the same name to change its name.  However, a recently deceased client who did a will in early 1972 named the Australian nonprofit prior to the name change.  Now Helen has to sort out where to direct the $10 million dollar bequest.  Quirky adventures follow, but in the end (spoiler alert) she is able to deliver a huge check to support Australian cats in need.  Maybe it is my fondness for cats (we have four of them in our family home) or my interest in everyday people including nonprofits in their wills, but this was by far one of my favorite episodes.

My take-away here is two-fold.  One, you do not need to have $10 million before including a nonprofit in your will or estate plan.  Anyone, and I mean anyone can, with a bit of thought and plan, be philanthropic at death.  In 2013 I released a small book (Middle Class Philanthropist: How Anyone Can Leave a Legacy) meant to inspire this very type of bequest.  And two, if you are going to name a nonprofit be certain you have the full legal name as well as the phrase "or its legal successor organization" or something of that nature.  That way, when a nonprofit modifies its names (and they all seem to) the bequest will follow and avoid costly litigation on what you meant for the bequest.

Remember, a blog is meant to spark thought and discussion.  It is not legal advice.  Please speak with an attorney licensed in your home state for counsel specific to your situation.  Thank you for reading.  Click the Follow button in the upper right hand corner to receive future posts in your email in-box.