Monday, September 9, 2024

Lesson From Fisk, Season 2: Work Out Your Wishes Before Meeting the Attorney

Lesson From Fisk, Season 2: Work Out Your Wishes Before Meeting the Attorney

September 9, 2024

By Melinda Gustafson Gervasi

Season Two of the Australian comedy show Fisk ends with an all too frequent storyline -- the married couple that erupts into an argument as the attorney asks delicate questions about what happens when you die. In this episode Helen is working with a couple where there is a significant age difference, a baby from the union, and adult children from his prior relationship. As Helen asks questions the wife grows increasingly upset, objecting to the very notion that she might die.  It is clear she is at the meeting to prepare for her older husband to die. She goes beyond rattled by the mortality question into an entirely new level of upset, turning to social media and gottcha TV to turn her anger towards her attorney and away from the reality that death does not discriminate in favor of the young. 

My take-away from this episode is the importance for couples to discuss privately what will happen when one dies, when the other dies, etc.  Taking the "what if" question out a few layers helps reveal assumptions one holds but the other does not, or the process uncovers deep feelings about NOT giving certain family members any bequest.  After nearly two decades of writing wills I have witnessed firsthand the tension generated between couples who do not agree on a distribution plan.  Experiencing that is hard, and it is even harder when it unleashes in front of your attorney.

Remember that a blog is meant to spark thought and discussion; it is not legal advice.  Please consult an attorney in your home state for advice specific to your situation.  Thank you for reading.  If you find my posts helpful, considering sharing them on your social media.  Click above (upper right) to Follow this blog; enter your email, and receive a message when a new post goes live.

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