Monday, August 26, 2024

Lessons from Fisk, Season 2, Don't Be a Dumpster Diver

Lessons from Fisk, Season 2, Don't Be a Dumpster Diver

August 26, 2024

By Melinda Gustafson Gervasi

Most families have them -- unique and quirky belongings that mean the world to us, but to others they are nothing more than rubbish.  Episode Four, Season 2 of Fisk has Helen overseeing the purge of a home as part of probate.  Out with the old before the property is sold and the new moves in.  Unknown to Helen and the crew she hires is the beloved Polish recipe book.  It's added to the trash, but only when the granddaughter comes into the office does Helen realize she mistakenly tossed something the value viewed as priceless.  Into the dumpster dives Helen, emerging with success and a need for a shower.

Avoid being a dumpster diver.  Work with family and friends to make sure the personal items that mean a great deal to us are called out with instructions on where the items should go at death.  Everything from photographs to hobbyist tools to rare collections, make a list of what it is, where you keep it, and where it should go. This may include: family, friends, co-workers, thrift stores, charitable organizations, or a museum or heritage center.  All it takes is an afternoon or two to review your belongs, identify what means something to you, and then sketch out a plan.

Thanks for reading.  Remember that a blog is not legal advice; it is meant to spark thought and discussion.  Please consult an attorney in your home state for advice specific to your situation.  Be well, and click the Follow button in the upper right hand corner to receive future posts. 

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