Friday, August 16, 2024

Lessons From Fisk, Season 2: Letter of Wishes, the Supporting Documents of Estate Planning

Lessons From Fisk, Season 2: Letter of Wishes, the Supporting Documents of Estate Planning

By Melinda Gustafson Gervasi

August 16, 2024

Episode 3 of Fisk, Season 2, has Helen working with two estranged brothers.  Once upon a time the two had played in a band together, but life took them separate ways.  Their unhappy mother addressed the break up via her will, in a manner that left one brother feeling left out.  Helen discovers that "Mum" had left a Letter of Wishes in the attorney file, which explains the reasoning behind the unequal distribution. And it provides for a remedy.  The take-away from this episode is the role of supporting documents in an estate plan.

Generally and estate plan includes your powers of attorney as well as a will and or trust.  When I work with clients I routinely provide them with sample letters.  There is one to the Personal Representative (called an Executor in most other states).  Another for the Trustee or the children's Guardian.  When you create an estate plan, do not overlook the opportunity to create a letter that provides some guidance or explanation of your thoughts and wishes.  It might just lead to the band getting back together again!

Thanks for reading, and check out Fisk on Netflix for some laughs.  Remember that a blog is not legal advice; it is meant to spark thought and discussion.  

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