Thursday, November 5, 2020

Poetry in Estate Planning: Exploring control


Control: An Acrostic Poem


Melinda Gustafson Gervasi

November 5, 2020

Not only are my children expanding their knowledge though the Madison Metropolitan School District's virtual learning this year, their daily recounts of classroom activities sparks many a memory for me.  Most recently the topic was poetry, specifically 5th graders studying Acrostic Poetry.  This writing style takes a word, such as November, and uses each letter to describe November.  My elementary school days ended in the early 1980s, however, my creative spirit survived my legal education.  Here is my attempt at an acrostic poem, for CONTROL, a concept at the heart of estate planning. 

Create documents that take effect

On your death

No uncertainties left

Take no chances

Record your wishes

Outlined on paper in a

Legally binding manner

Death and taxes are two certainties of our lives.  Why take chances when you can take control.  Estate planning may be a fancy sounding term, one for those with a seven-figure net worth, but it is for everyone.  Your plan may not look like the estate plan for a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, but it will plan for three things: illness, death and taxes.  The heart of estate planning is taking control over these three topics.  If you are 18 or older, estate planning is for you.

Thank you for reading.  Please remember a blog post is not legal advice, but rather a prompt for thought and discussion.  It is recommended that you consult a licensed attorney in your state of residence for advice specific to your situation.

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