Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Odd Wills

All too often clients will say, "I'd like to leave my house so-and so -- can I do that?". My answer? "Of course, you can pretty much do whatever you want". Now of course, there are some limitations, but individual wishes can, and should, play a role in drafting a will or trust. Extreme examples are highlighted in this San Francisco Gate article -- 10 Strange Will and Testaments.

Regardless of how much money or assets a person has, they need a last will and testament to ensure that their belongings are left to the parties they intend after death. But at times, those last words often include some unexpected details. Here are ten strange will and testaments of celebrities, inventors and heiresses who made some unusual last requests.
As always, please remember that this blog is meant for discussion purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.

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