Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Walk With a Doc - Madison, Wisconsin

Over the weekend I read a brief news story about a new program in Madison - walk with a doctor.  The concept is quite simple.  Take a nature walk, in a local park, with a doctor.  The idea promotes an active lifestyle, and gives physicians a chance to educate in a more relaxed environment.  Each walk has a topic as well, such as weight loss surgery.

As the parent of young children, I'd love to see some walks geared towards your nation's youth.  Let's think preventive medicine by getting kids interested in walks through the woods.  I try to do this on my own, but taking a 4 and 2 year old for a nature walk is.....well a bit stressful at times.  How can our medical profession makes this easier for me?  Might a future walk address this question?  Having something other than pricey procedures and the latest prescription would be refreshing.

I don't mean to be critical, but I am an attorney after all and that is my training.  I am thankful that the medical world is trying new things, outside the doctor's office.  One can know how to life a healthy lifestyle, but implementing in the chaos of normal life in a totally different skill.

Image credit:  www.sxc.hu - free image

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